
Airport Parking Market was conceived in 2014, when a group of enterprising travellers found that there was something missing from the car parking comparison sites already out there – the practical side!

A lot of other sites are eager to show how cheap the prices can be, but after years of travelling and experiencing the nerve-wracking process of leaving your car in an unknown car park, we felt that there must be more to the story than just low prices (although of course they’re important too!)

We’ve checked the Park Mark status of each of the car parks listed so you can make a quick and easy decision about whether it’s safe enough for your car. Other car parks may not have the Park Mark but might have great CCTV, patrols, security fencing and lots more.

We also felt that the distance to the terminal from the car parks was an important factor when booking. It’s all too easy to book a dirt cheap, secure car park only to arrive and find it’ll take an hour to get from there to the terminal itself! We also have collections for Meet & Greet and Valet Parking which are great if you’re really running short on time or have kids and/or luggage to contend with.

On top of all this we’ve done some research into the airports themselves and given you a little background information, as well as details of some of the amenities and how to access each of them by car, bus or train – after all, not everybody has a car, and even those who do might want to go without every now and then!